Monday, May 17, 2010

Been a while...

First of all I would like to say I'm sorry that my posting has pretty much been non-existent. You see, all forms of blogging websites are blocked by the internet where I live, and I don't get out much to where I have internet that is unrestricted lol.
So there you go.
Hmm random things that have happened. Well, I have about two months left here in LA. I come home in August, but I'm hoping to come back for another year in September.
I have discovered a new love for oatmeal. It's kind of addicting, but the texture is so weird. But it fills me up so that is all that really matters.
It's been nice and sunny here. Ironically enough I haven't been to the beach once since the weather has been nice. I have been out in the sun though, and am sporting a lovely farmer's tan. Hopefully I can get rid of that sometime.
I drank chocolate milk the yesterday. You know since I played chocolate milk pong it just isn't the same.
I don't know what else to say.
Oh, I have given in to the twitter trend. If you really wish to know what I am doing and my thoughts on life follow me at @jensen182. Don't expect too much. Most people tell me I'm funny though.