Monday, October 11, 2010

Fau-kets, and other such nonsense

Fau-ket: a fake pocket, usually seen in dress pants and some jackets. (term coined by a co-worker of mine).
I find these things to sincerely annoying. I usually rip them open because I try one too many times to stick my hand inside the non-existent pocket.

Or how about this a sestina. You may be wondering what exactly a sestina is. Well here I'll tell you.
In a traditional Sestina:
1. The lines are grouped into six sestets and a concluding tercet. Thus a Sestina has 39 lines.
2. Lines may be of any length. Their length is usually consistent in a single poem.
3. The six words that end each of the lines of the first stanza are repeated in a different order at the end of lines in each of the subsequent five stanzas. (This kind of recurrent pattern is "lexical repetition".)
4. The repeated words are unrhymed.
5. The first line of each sestet after the first ends with the same word as the one that ended the last line of the sestet before it.
6. In the closing tercet, each of the six words are used, with one in the middle of each line and one at the end.

I mean really, some bored poetry buff had nothing better to do with his time but sit around and think of these things. Now, I am forced to memorize this and be able to recognize it should it appear on my test. Well, I dare you to try and say "six six-line stanzas" five times fast. (The phrase "six six-line stanzas" being the only way I can remember what a sestina is.)

In other interesting news, I was at a Bible study tonight (don't hate, it's legit), we're doing the Beth Moore study "Breaking Free.'' Now, I think she was talking about family reunions or something. But that is not the point I wish to bring up. She was watching Oprah, and they were doing a world record breakers show. There was this lady who could fold herself into a suitcase AND zip herself inside in NINE SECONDS FLAT! Now that is impressive. Why or how you would ever want do that, I don't know.

Well folks that is all the random stuff that I had learned in the past week. Hope y'all feel enlightened.

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