Sunday, November 14, 2010

My backyard

This morning while cleaning a bowl to eat my delectable Cap'n Crunch out of, I happened to gaze out my kitchen window.
I was admiring my back yard, and how it looked like a brisk fall day.
THEN, every single tree seemed to come alive with movement. Birds en masse my friends, tons and tons of birds.
They were flying everywhere.
I was like, "Oh, that's nice. Look at the little birdies." I mean I hate birds, I think they're terrifying. But on this occasion, with them being outside and me inside, they were ok.
THEN, I notice this squirrel hoping down my apple tree. Yes, hopping. Apparently squirrels hop everywhere, or at least this one did. (side note: I also hate squirrels.)
At this point in time I wondered where the hidden Disney princess was. I half expected one to waltz on out, and start enchanting all the little animals with song and dance. Then, said animals would invade my house and clean it.
That's all folks.
No, no small animals are cleaning my house.

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