Saturday, December 26, 2009

Where The Wild Things Are...

Simply amazing, it is seriously pure genius. No, there aren't really any happy parts. Yes, it is dark, but I love it. That's how the book is, it doesn't get happy until the end. I can now appreciate the sound track. My roommate saw the movie and bought it, and then came back and made us listen to it... a lot... Maybe it'll be better now... Although children singing is just creepy.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve.. day...

I can't believe it's already Christmas Eve. Well, day anyway. I'm so stoked, but I must admit it doesn't feel like Christmas. I've only been home for like three days. Hmm...
Happy Christmas all, may you enjoy your family and friends. Have fun ripping through wrapping paper. Have a plentiful, wondrous, feast. Make good choices ;P

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Home sweet home...

I'm back in Seattle for the holidays. I know it's been a while, but I have been terribly busy and the internet was down for like a week.
The 20th (which was last Sunday) the Dream Center had this HUGE event at the Sports Arena in LA. They gave away over 20,000 presents and 8,000 bikes. It was incredible. I must admit I found myself sitting in the nose bleed section looking out at the great expanse of people and tearing up at the thought of how amazing it was that we could bless all of them. Like the magnitude of it all got to me. It was truly a beautiful thing. Even blessing one family would be incredible, but this was, wow just marvelous.
That's about all I have to say atm.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Rainy Days

Mmm rainy days in Los Ageles don't occur very often. But I quite enjoyed today's rainy day. Not that much has really happened today. I swear I had this really awesome thought I wanted to write about but I can't remember what the heck it was. I am not going to lie to you. Well I have to go... Sorry that was so horribly boring and uninformative...

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Sorry about my atrocious grammer in the last blog. Thank you to someone very close and dear to me for pointing that out... I shall now check and re-check them before I post.
In my own defense though, I was in a hurry. There were small children running around the halls and didn't feel like getting trampled or having the laptop getting damaged.
Tonight whilst at church I had someone steal gum from me. Well not directly. I had bought gum, and given it to Brittany to hold, she actually has a purse... So she pulled out the gum and goes to get a piece. This random guy, neither of us has ever seen him before, reaches over her shoulder and helps himself to two pieces... Who does that??
The message was really good though. He was talking about the names of God.
He was talking about how Moses asks God who he should tell the people of Isreal had sent him. God answers I Am. The original word is Yahweh. In the Hebrew it means I am redeemer, delieverer, and savior. I know crazy right. No, it gets better. The Hebrew language is symbols, so there's two meanings. There's the meaning of the word, and there's the meaning or picture that the symbols make. The picture meaning of Yahweh is the hand of grace, pierced by grace. Just keep reading this gets better. Yahweh in the Greek and throughout the New Testament means there's always been the one and there's no other. Yeah, just let that soak in.
Here's another random thought for you. When Moses was on the mountain talking to God and asked to see his face, God covered his face with his hand while he passed over him and showed him his back. The word in the Hebrew for his hand was Yahweh; the hand of grace, pierced by grace. Then the word back from the Hebrew in this context translates to where God was. So God passed over Moses, covered him with his hand of grace so he wouldn't die from seeing God's face, and showed him where he was. Imagine how great it will be when we get to heaven and can see the full glory of God, not just where he was. Now chew on that for a while...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving Recap

Sorry it's been a while. I've been just a wee bit busy and apathetic about posting this because it seems like so much to type, but I know once I get it done it'll be super short... or maybe not...
Wednesday Night: I left to go to my roommate Chelsea's house. It was me and three other people that went home with her, quite a fun group. Anyway, we took the train to Aneheim. Well, we missed our stop and got off in Orange. Taking the train was an adventure. We almost missed our train. We were sitting next to it not knowing it was our train. Thankfully Chelsea asked someone if it was the right one like five minutes before it pulled out of the station. Regardless we arrived safe and sound. We went to go see the Crystal Cathedral. There was camels there. They were practicing for their Christmas play, which we snuck in and watched part of (the camels are in the play). We watched Moulin Rouge that night. GREAT MOVIE!!!
Thursday: Turkey Day! The normal was to be expected. Nothing too exciting. We watched Grease. One of the kids that came had never seen it. I mean it's pretty much an American classic, I don't know how you can not have seen Grease.
Friday: We went kayaking. Pretty much I wish to invest in one someday. It was so much fun. We also went to Huntington, and ate on the pier. One of the guys went down and waved for the Hollister cam so his friends where he worked back home could see him. If you ever want to know where it is I know someone who can show you. That is if you wish to have your fifeteen minutes of fame in Hollisters all across America.
Saturday: We woke up. Drove to the mountains (they are really more like rolling hills around here, yes I do know they have legit mountians... somewhere...). We took another train to a Christmas tree farm. We cut down the tree. You know you're in California when there are palms and orange trees growing alongside your pines. Then we all attended their family reunion get together. Then I came home.
That was my Thanksgiving. It was amazing. So much fun. But I'm excited to be heading home. 20 days!!!! :D yay