Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving Recap

Sorry it's been a while. I've been just a wee bit busy and apathetic about posting this because it seems like so much to type, but I know once I get it done it'll be super short... or maybe not...
Wednesday Night: I left to go to my roommate Chelsea's house. It was me and three other people that went home with her, quite a fun group. Anyway, we took the train to Aneheim. Well, we missed our stop and got off in Orange. Taking the train was an adventure. We almost missed our train. We were sitting next to it not knowing it was our train. Thankfully Chelsea asked someone if it was the right one like five minutes before it pulled out of the station. Regardless we arrived safe and sound. We went to go see the Crystal Cathedral. There was camels there. They were practicing for their Christmas play, which we snuck in and watched part of (the camels are in the play). We watched Moulin Rouge that night. GREAT MOVIE!!!
Thursday: Turkey Day! The normal was to be expected. Nothing too exciting. We watched Grease. One of the kids that came had never seen it. I mean it's pretty much an American classic, I don't know how you can not have seen Grease.
Friday: We went kayaking. Pretty much I wish to invest in one someday. It was so much fun. We also went to Huntington, and ate on the pier. One of the guys went down and waved for the Hollister cam so his friends where he worked back home could see him. If you ever want to know where it is I know someone who can show you. That is if you wish to have your fifeteen minutes of fame in Hollisters all across America.
Saturday: We woke up. Drove to the mountains (they are really more like rolling hills around here, yes I do know they have legit mountians... somewhere...). We took another train to a Christmas tree farm. We cut down the tree. You know you're in California when there are palms and orange trees growing alongside your pines. Then we all attended their family reunion get together. Then I came home.
That was my Thanksgiving. It was amazing. So much fun. But I'm excited to be heading home. 20 days!!!! :D yay


  1. YOU WATCHED THE MOULIN ROUGE?!?! did you cry?! I hope you cried because if you didn't cry at the end of that movie...you are ... a robot.

  2. Oh and I have never seen Grease. Have you seen American Graffiti? now THAT is an american classic "I don't know how you cannot have seen it"

  3. no I did not cry and no I have not seen it
