Thursday, December 3, 2009


Sorry about my atrocious grammer in the last blog. Thank you to someone very close and dear to me for pointing that out... I shall now check and re-check them before I post.
In my own defense though, I was in a hurry. There were small children running around the halls and didn't feel like getting trampled or having the laptop getting damaged.
Tonight whilst at church I had someone steal gum from me. Well not directly. I had bought gum, and given it to Brittany to hold, she actually has a purse... So she pulled out the gum and goes to get a piece. This random guy, neither of us has ever seen him before, reaches over her shoulder and helps himself to two pieces... Who does that??
The message was really good though. He was talking about the names of God.
He was talking about how Moses asks God who he should tell the people of Isreal had sent him. God answers I Am. The original word is Yahweh. In the Hebrew it means I am redeemer, delieverer, and savior. I know crazy right. No, it gets better. The Hebrew language is symbols, so there's two meanings. There's the meaning of the word, and there's the meaning or picture that the symbols make. The picture meaning of Yahweh is the hand of grace, pierced by grace. Just keep reading this gets better. Yahweh in the Greek and throughout the New Testament means there's always been the one and there's no other. Yeah, just let that soak in.
Here's another random thought for you. When Moses was on the mountain talking to God and asked to see his face, God covered his face with his hand while he passed over him and showed him his back. The word in the Hebrew for his hand was Yahweh; the hand of grace, pierced by grace. Then the word back from the Hebrew in this context translates to where God was. So God passed over Moses, covered him with his hand of grace so he wouldn't die from seeing God's face, and showed him where he was. Imagine how great it will be when we get to heaven and can see the full glory of God, not just where he was. Now chew on that for a while...


  1. That is one of my favorite parts of the O.T
    and discussing God's name is also very interesting. Here is something for you to chew on: in every spot where and english bible says Lord the spanish bible has "Jehova" written.
