Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I just worked out while listening to stronger. My word working out sure makes you feel good. I can feel my arms getting stronger and I'm getting more endurance whilst running. Not that this matters to most. I'm just proud of myself.


Alright, as many of you know the Dream Center used to be a hospital. Story time... Me and two of my friends were playing basketball outside. We called it ghetto basketball. Basically there was a crack on the side of the wall and if you hit it you got a point. Anyway, tying it all together. The building we were playing against turned out to be the place where they burned the dead people (the creamatory, creamatorium???). If you look down the steps you can see the gurney that they wheeled the dead people through the tunnel on. Then we walked down the stairs and saw this window that was in a horror movie. So eerie cause it was all dark. I looked down the tunnel where they wheeled the dead people through. It looked like it was never ending. So that was my cool story.


Alright so nothing totally awesome to report really. I went to Santa Monica yesterday. Karine (she's from Norway) bought a long board andlet me ride it. Jensen now wants one. Soooo bad!!! Anyway maybe tomorrow I'll post the pictures.
Random fact: today I saw Danny Gokey from American Idol. He's here at the Dream Center doing something or other. I don't really know. So be jealous, very jealous.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Just Another Sunday

So today we had a guest speaker at church. I feel bad cause I can't for the life of me remember his name. Anyway he has this website called invisblepeople.tv. What this guy did was drive around the country interviewing the homeless to bring their stories to the public. What's truly amazing about this ishl he did it all with just $45, an iPhone, a video camera, and a back pack full of socks. Through blogs, and social websites like Twitter he has brought attention to their stories. He has inspired change because he saw a need and wanted to help fill it. What are your passions? What gets your blood pumping? What are you going to do about it? Don't look at what you don't have, look at what you can do. What talents and skills do you have? I encourage you to think outside of the box and so something to fix the problem. Don't look at the obsticles but look at how to be a solution. I know it's overused by people all the time but, "Be the change you wish to see." You don't have to have it all together just some time and a cause.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Mmmm... Nothing too exciting to put here. Everything is going good. Did AAB today, just sat and talked to this lady for a couple of hours. She was so nice, totally made me and the other people I was with feel at home.

So this is my knee, and it's wonderful case of floor burn. I was running away from Sasha (one of the many people who reside on my floor), and bit it. Like BIG TIME. I was running full speed, and got to the end of the hall. I pivoted (forgot I was in socks), and WHOOSH I was down. It was pretty exciting.
Went grocery shopping last night. Thank the Lord for that random lady who knew where the bread was. PB&J is a staple in our room. So me and one of my roomies were running around like mad women trying to find the bread. I'm sure it was awesome to see.
Well that is all of my exciting stories for the moment.
Peace y'all

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So nothing too exciting. Took the bus to go to Venice, but we ended up going to the Santa Monica Pier. I never saw the beach. We ate dinner and rode the bus home. I spent like two hours or more on the bus for nothing lol. It was fun though. I don't really know of anything else that's super exciting. I'll put something up when something happens.

1 Cor. 13

The love chapter. I never heard of doing this before but someone chllenged me recently to this simple exercise. All the characteristics of love in this chapter should be evident in your own character. So here take the time. Dust off that Bible and insert your name every time it says love. It should look something like this (with your own name of course ;P)
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails.
Jensen is patient, Jensen is kind. She does not envy, she does not boast, she is not proud. She is not rude, she is not self-seeking, she is not easily angered, she keeps no record of wrongs. Jensen does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. She always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Jensen never fails.
Kind of puts things into perspective eh??

Van Gogh

If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.
Just mull that over for a while. It's pretty powerful when you think about it.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Just Another Saturday

Sooo... I'm really supposed to be working on my Scriptures atm.... But eh they aren't due till next week anyway. Why be proactive?? Jk jk (I will get them done mom). Anyway, we did Adopt a Block today. I found out my permenant site. I'm pretty stoked. We got the chance to pray for a couple of people, and invite them to church. I really felt like I was doing something. It was so exciting. I really did have something exciting to write about, but now I have no idea what it was. There's some show about sperm whales on the tv. Its throat is big enough to swallow a grown man, and it's just a baby. Jonah anyone?? It's pretty hot today. It was rainy the past couple of days, reminded me of home, bleh. Well seeing as I'm just rambling I'll go back to scriptures now. Peace y'all!

Friday, October 16, 2009


Alright so last night I did the bus ministry for the first time. Basically we go to the projects and give people rides to church who normally wouldn't be able to come. This kid sat next to me on the way back, and pointed out the sites. Where the new police department was, where the classical music for the Disney movies is made. It was pretty awesome. He also shared some crazy stories with me. Truly eye opening. It was cool to see LA through a locals eyes.
On another thought, I got told what track I'm in for the next three months today (which ministry I get to help out in, we call them tracks). I get youth ministry!!! I'm totally stoked about it. We're starting this whole thing over, we're building a youth ministry from the ground up. And I get to be a part of it! I'm so excited for all the amazing things God's going to do. Because I have a feeling that this is going to be CRAZY.

Last thought for you all today... Here's some pictures of my dorm lol :P

Here's the view from the window in the hall. You can't tell here but you can see the Hollywood sign and the Observatory (which is amazing, I went there yesterday)

This next picture is the lovely view from my window. I know it's an excellent cement wall.
This is my room. Pretty bare, we're working on that. That blue bed is mine. That's my shirt sitting on it. Exciting I know.
This is our awesome sink. Everyone comes in to see it. No one else has one like it. But most of them have actual bathrooms so there you go.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Why LA??

I forgot in my first post to put why exactly I'm in LA and what exactly I'm doing. I'm in LA at a church called the Dream Center. I'm in a program called The Movement (similar to Master's Commision to those of you who know what that is). Pretty much I'm taking a year of my life off to devote it solely to God and serving His people. Sounds a little cliche I know. But it's amazing. I get tbe involved with pretty much every ministry in the Dream Center. I'll explain more in detail later when I know a little bit more. It's all still new and crazy but I'm lovin' it! Plus my battery is dyin' :O


Alright, so this is my first blog while in LA. I've been here about a week and a half. It's been completely amazing, and eye opening. I love this city. It's movin' and busy, not to mention sunny. Except the past couple of days it's been raining. We haven't been doing too much, just a lot of orientations and meetings. We did have Hell Day (appropriately named if you ask me). They woke us up at 2 a.m. to wash our feet like Jesus washed his diciples. All the while I'm thinking o man we aren't going to ge to crawl back in bed after this are we? No, we didn't. We then went and put on shoes and socks (and normal clothes for those like me who showed up in their p.j.'s :P ). Then we were locked in a dark room for a time of prayer and worship. Which was amazing once I got past the point of practically sleeping standing up. Time to go to bed yet?? NOPE!!! We went outside and did team building exercises. We also walked to the Bonnie Brae House (sorry if that is horribly misspelt). That is where the Azusa Street Revival Started. Talk about incredible. Lunch time finally. (I snuck a quick nap in there) Up again and time to walk to Hollywood. That's about 10 miles from the Dream Center (about 2 1/2 hours one way). But there was a reason behind all this madness. We knelt down and prayed on the stars on the walk of fame. I was by Britney Spears and Destiny's Child. One of the most tiring days of my life. But one of the most amazing. When you think that you don't have any more to give, that's when you rely on God to keep you going, keep one foot movin' in front of the other. Without Him I never would have made it.