Saturday, October 24, 2009


Mmmm... Nothing too exciting to put here. Everything is going good. Did AAB today, just sat and talked to this lady for a couple of hours. She was so nice, totally made me and the other people I was with feel at home.

So this is my knee, and it's wonderful case of floor burn. I was running away from Sasha (one of the many people who reside on my floor), and bit it. Like BIG TIME. I was running full speed, and got to the end of the hall. I pivoted (forgot I was in socks), and WHOOSH I was down. It was pretty exciting.
Went grocery shopping last night. Thank the Lord for that random lady who knew where the bread was. PB&J is a staple in our room. So me and one of my roomies were running around like mad women trying to find the bread. I'm sure it was awesome to see.
Well that is all of my exciting stories for the moment.
Peace y'all

1 comment:

  1. in the future sweetheart...please phone the mommy before posting pics like this...i'm sure it looks alot worse than it actually is. but pretty dang narly all the same.

