Sunday, November 22, 2009

Busy, busy...

Alright here's some blogging ADD... Get ready go...
First order of business: bought a homeless woman some 3 Musketeers tonight. It was my kind deed of the day. She's crazy, but I figured what the heck.

Next: I had the most amazing pizza today for lunch. It's this cute little place called Three Boots. It was so legit. The first one you see is the Earth Mother. The second is hmmm The Cleopatra I believe. Earth Mother is better. BTW: mom, I did eat dinner. I mooched some pizza off of some people ;P

In other news: This guy Steven skateboarded down suicide hill. Here's pictures of that... This guy who say him said he was the craziest white boy he's ever seen... Well there was some other words in there, BUT we won't repeat those. (my mommy would wash my mouth out with soap for those ones) That is him riding down the hill, and a picture of the hill... I know it is pretty tough to figure that out huh...

Last order of business: Today was a good day. Two of my roomies are gone for Thanksgiving already. So, it'll be quiet tonight, and weird. Here's one last random picture... This is on the menu at Rodeo. It's a fish... I know someone who asked them what it was... The lady looks at the picture, looks at said person, and says "It's a fish..." True story.

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