Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So today someone from our group, Vijay, got up and shared a testimoney. He went to a missions trip in Jamaica. While there this lady shared her testimoney. I'm sharing this with you because she wishes for it to be shared as an encouragement to others. She had ovarion cancer. So severely that the doctors wanted to rush her into emergency surgery. She told them no and said she was going to a church camp, and she would reasses the situation when she got back. The first day at the camp she spent from sun up to sun down in the chapel praying. The next night she felt this scratching in her stomach. Three times this happened. Three times there were no marks. She went to the doctor when she got home. She made them retake her x-rays. On her x-rays there were two hands with holes in them imprinted on her ovaries. Not one sign of cancer.
Phil Wagner spoke today. He said one quote that stood out to me. No one person can change the world but you can change the world for one person - George Hoffman

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